Saturday, July 19, 2008

Summer Trip 2008

Long time no blog. Sorry about that. If it helps, my lawn shows the same neglect.

Luke and Lane have gotten so big. They are having lots of fun and are moving so much they should be crawling soon.


lori said...

They are so big and so stinken cute

Jill said...

Thank the Lord I finally got to see the babes...okay, so your lawn needs some love too, but I am not checking daily on your lawn, I was on the little ones...whew, thanks for the pics. If you all lived closer, you would be so sick of the Porvazniks, coming daily to get some love...YUM! They are scrumptous.

Jeanne said...

Those 2 are awesome! A-W-E-S-O-M-E
awesome awesome, to-ta-lly! You have to read it like a cheer! :) What more can I say?

The Cannon Chronicles said...

I am so glad to see new pictures of Luke & Lane. So you made it on your first trip to Ohio! Wow, you two are great parents, I know everyone was so glad to see them!